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TrustBeacon ESG 101: A Guide for Employees

Mayo 28, 2024

ESG 101: A Guide for Employees


In today's business world, Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors are increasingly important for companies and their employees. Understanding ESG principles and their implications is essential for driving positive change and contributing to a sustainable future. Below we'll get into the basics of ESG, covering key concepts, why they matter, and how employees like you can make a difference within their organizations.

What is ESG?

Environmental: Refers to a company's impact on the world around us, including its carbon footprint, resource use, and environmental sustainability efforts.

Social: Encompasses the company's relationships with its employees, customers, communities, and other stakeholders. It includes factors such as diversity and inclusion, labor practices, human rights, and community engagement.

Governance: Relates to how a company is governed, including its leadership structure, board composition, transparency, and ethical business practices.

Why Does ESG Matter?

  1. It's Good for Business: The correlation between strong ESG performance and positive business outcomes underscores the importance of sustainability in driving long-term value creation, reputation enhancement, and risk mitigation.
  2. Reputation and Trust: Companies that prioritize ESG tend to have better reputations and stronger relationships with stakeholders. Customers, investors, and employees increasingly expect companies to act responsibly and transparently, making ESG an important driver of trust and brand loyalty.
  3. Risk Management: ESG factors can pose significant risks to companies if not managed effectively. Environmental disasters, social controversies, and governance failures can lead to financial losses, legal liabilities, and reputational damage. By addressing ESG risks proactively, companies can enhance resilience and avoid potential crises.
  4. Competitive Advantage: Embracing ESG can also create competitive advantages for companies. Sustainable business practices can lead to cost savings, operational efficiencies, and innovation opportunities. Additionally, companies that demonstrate strong ESG performance may attract more customers, investors, and top talent. Did you know that at OneTrust, meeting certain ESG-related requirements is a critical factor for many of our customers in deciding to do business with us?

How is OneTrust committed to ESG?

OneTrust is dedicated to ESG, as evidenced by our commitment as a signatory of the UN Global Compact. Currently, we are in the process of validating our 2023 carbon footprint data to establish targets and goals for reducing our carbon footprint that are in alignment with the Paris Climate Agreement and the Science-Based Targets initiative. We've also recently revamped our environmental policy which includes minimizing the environmental impact of our activities and products and collaborating closely with our suppliers to ensure their commitment to environmental sustainability.

How does OneTrust plan to navigate the political ESG pushback? 

OneTrust was founded on the idea that people want to buy from, work for, and invest in companies that demonstrate positive impact on people and the planet. As a corporate citizen, we have the important responsibility to do what's right for all of our stakeholders; our employees, our investors, our customers, and our communities. We believe that by aligning our ESG purpose with our mission and vision, we are firmly rooted in prioritizing the right issues, regardless of any outside noise.

How Employees Can Contribute to ESG

  1. Understand ESG Principles: Take the time to learn about ESG and how it relates to your role and the company's overall mission and values. Familiarize yourself with key concepts and terminology, such as carbon footprint, diversity and inclusion, and corporate governance.
  2. Integrate ESG Into Daily Work: Look for opportunities to incorporate ESG considerations into your day-to-day responsibilities. This could involve reducing waste, promoting diversity and inclusion, volunteering for community initiatives, or suggesting more sustainable business practices.
  3. Engage with Stakeholders: Recognize the importance of engaging with stakeholders, including customers, investors, suppliers, and communities. Listen to their feedback and concerns related to ESG issues, and communicate transparently about the company's efforts and progress.
  4. Support ESG Initiatives: Participate in ESG-related initiatives and programs. Did you know OneTrust recently launched an employee-led Green Team? Email [email protected] to join. 
  5. Be a Champion for Change: Use your voice and influence to advocate for positive change. Whether it's promoting sustainability initiatives, raising awareness about social issues, or reporting unethical behavior through channels like our Trustline, every employee can make a difference.
  6. Continuous Learning: Check out OneTrust's new sustainability page to stay informed about developments with our internal program, educational resources and ways to get involved. 

As part of the OneTrust team, getting on board with ESG principles isn’t just good for the company—it’s good for planet, not to mention our future. Whether it’s weaving sustainability into your work, chatting with stakeholders, or learning more about our internal ESG initiatives, you’re helping create a world where business and sustainability go hand in hand. 

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